Step 3: Exchange of data with foreign secret services

The bill

The Dutch secret services work closely together with foreign services in order to exchange data. The data is often shared in bulk. The current Intelligence and Security Services Act (2002) does not clearly determine under which conditions data is allowed to be exchanged and how cooperation agreements with foreign services are forged.

Therefore, in this bill the government proposes a set of clear guidelines. Clauses have been added concerning the exchange of data in bulk. As a result, when the secret services collect the communication of Dutch citizens in bulk, they will be allowed to hand over the complete and unfiltered data sets to foreign secret services. These data sets will also contain the data of unsuspected Dutch citizens.

Please formulate your response in your own words. You might consider:

I think it's important that due caution is exercised in the exchange of data with foreign secret services. Of course it should be possible to exchange data when necessary, but such an exchange should always be limited in its scope. The Netherlands should simply not exchange data from, or data concerning, its own citizens in bulk with other countries.

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